National Trust Database - Search Results

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Former Primitive Methodist Church (South Melbourne)

Trinity Congregational Chapel ,  Greek Orthodox Church

152 Grange Road,, GLEN HUNTLY VIC 3163 - Property No B3314

A timber Gothic church of American Carpenter Gothic Character, first built by the Primitive Methodist in South Melbourne in 1889, with decorative barge boards and spire. The building was moved to Glenhuntly in 1909, since when the west gable window has been blocked. Classified 15/03/1977



Former Primitive Methodist Church

Masonic Hall

Bourke Street,, KILMORE VIC 3764 - Property No B5351

A distinctive brick church designed by Charles Kinck and built in 1859-60 for the Primitive Methodists, of interest for its facade, with a raking arcaded corbel table reminiscent of Italian Lombardic architecture, and recessed Gothic doorway, with brick colonettes. Classified: 09/02/1989

